01 Oct 20

Accessing money when walking the Camino de Santiago

Sue Chater Camino

Accessing money on the Camino will be easy as long as you plan in advance and keep an eye on what you are spending each day.

All of the larger Spanish villages and towns on the Camino now have ATMs, so there is no shortage of places on the Camino to obtain cash. However, you need to always be aware of the money that you will need in the days ahead, as there will times when you will be walking for a few days without any ATM access. It is a good idea to always carry around 200-300 euros, but this depends on how much money you are planning to spend on meals and extras. You will need cash to buy food and other supplies, and you can get cash from various ATMs en route.

You can use your credit cards in shops, restaurants and hotel accommodation in the larger towns and cities, although some of the smaller establishments will only accept cash, so please keep this in mind.

Inform your bank about your trip

If you don’t inform your bank about your trip beforehand then it is possible that the bank may block your card. Sometimes the bank will assume that your card has been stolen and will take measures to safeguard your money. Before you leave, let your bank know where you are travelling and the dates you will be away.

Find out about international charges

Before leaving for the Camino it is a good idea to speak to your bank about international money withdrawal charges when using your credit cards as this is usually seen as a cash advance and extra charges will occur. Also, get an idea of the foreign transaction fees you will be charged as these can also add up.

Check which cards are accepted

American Express and Diners Club cards are not widely accepted on the Camino.


Written By

Sue Chater

Sue is RAW Travel's Camino manager. She has walked the beautiful Le Puy Camino in rural France and Italy’s Via Francigena through Tuscany. Sue spent many years enjoying life as a tour leader in the Indochina region. Her most treasured travel memories come from the unscripted encounters that occur along the way.

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