Camino Specialist
Adrian Mayer
From the moment his parents took him out of school for a term at the age of 8 to travel through Europe, it was obvious that travel was going to shape Adrian’s life. But it was his first solo ‘right of passage’ backpacking trip through Europe and America at age 21 that really cemented the disease that would consume him – the dreaded travel bug!
Thirty years and over 70 countries later, that addiction has yet to abate. It has shaped his life in every way and made him the person he is today. With more than 20 years of experience in the travel industry as either a travel agent or tour leader for an adventure travel company, living and working in countries such as Vietnam and China, Adrian has finally found his true calling at RAW Travel immersed every day in his true love, the Camino.
Adrian’s travels have been highlighted by an array of adventures and incredible experiences. From meeting Mother Teresa in Kolkata to being evacuated by helicopter through the Indian Himalayas after being caught in a blizzard. From having flies lay eggs in his legs in the Amazon to sitting with gorillas in Uganda. From meeting the love of his life trekking in Nepal to eating freshly killed goat’s intestines with a Mongolian family. And with each experience, there is yet more to aspire to, with Antarctica being top of the list and the last continent for him to visit.
But it’s the Camino that has truly captured his heart and become his latest addiction after recently completing his second full walk. It has truly changed his life and he looks forward to helping you change yours!