03 Aug 20

Only 2 weeks on the Camino? Check out these options

Lilia Akhtanenko Camino

If you only have 2 weeks to spend on the Camino, here are a few inspirational options to consider.

Firstly, if obtaining your compostela certificate of completion of the Camino de Santiago is important, then you could complete the last section of the Camino from either O Cebreiro (140km) or Sarria (100km). If you are choosing to walk the Sarria to Santiago section, you can do this over 9 days and then add on our Finisterre 6-day trip, which will take you literally to ‘the end of the world’. It is the most westerly point in Europe, finishing at the edge of the Galician coast. An exciting and uplifting way to end your Camino journey! Our Camino Highlights trip is another great option. It covers the whole Camino over 15 days by incorporating train travel between Pamplona and Burgos, Burgos and Leon and also Leon and Sarria. In addition, since you are still walking the last 100km, you will receive your compostela certificate.

If the compostela certificate is not of utmost importance to you, you may wish to consider the first section from St Jean Pied De Port to Logrono. You will walk through the Pyrenees on day 1, which is known to be the most challenging day on the Camino. This section is also one of the most beautiful as you pass through the Basque country, quaint villages and towns. It is also the Camino’s food and wine region.

The Way of St James is a truly transformational journey. No matter which section you choose, every walk on the Camino is beautiful in its own right and will allow you to escape the frantic modern-day world and enjoy the camaraderie with fellow pilgrims from around the globe.

Read more about our full range of Camino de Santiago trips. All trips are flexible and can be adapted to suit your needs.

Lilia Akhtaneko

Written By

Lilia Akhtanenko

Lilia specialises in curating dream hiking trips on the Portuguese Camino and Camino Frances. As a keen walker and Camino expert at RAW Travel she draws on her extensive first-hand experience and love of adventure travel to help others explore diverse countries and cultures.