Jason Williams
Jason looks after RAW’s navigation app, which is used on all our self-guided tours.
Growing up in a classic caravaning family, where every school holiday and long weekend was spent away camping somewhere, the travel bug was installed at a young age. Post-university saw Jason off to Europe on a bike for his first international adventure. Returning to Australia with no money and the desire to keep on travelling Jason landed a job tour guiding in Asia.
Fast forward to today and Jason is still working in travel, now with 25 years’ experience that includes leading tours throughout Asia and Europe, running his own bicycle tour business based out of Bangkok, operating tours for RAW Travel, and now working behind the scenes in the RAW office.
Jason is a keen walker and travelling cyclist. He has bicycle toured in over 20 countries, solo walked the length of the Australian Alps Walking Track, and done too-many-to-count ‘microadventures’ around Victoria. Having lived in Thailand and China he speaks both Thai and Mandarin badly and has a smattering of other languages.